Welcome to the Share Settings! This is where you can share your conversation with the world after you've finished creating it.
Click on the Share button located at the top-right corner of the screen to access the different sharing options available.
By selecting Copy the link, you can obtain the URL of your formless. Share this link with others, allowing them to view and interact with your formless.
Utilize the social media icons provided to share your formless directly on platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Buffer. Simply click on the respective icons to initiate the sharing process.
If you prefer to embed your formless on a website, the Embed option is ideal for you. The necessary code is automatically generated in the Embed Tab. Click Copy the code and paste it into the desired section of your website. Additionally, you can customize the Width and Height of the embedded formless using the options provided above.
Choose how to embed your formless among Inline, Full page, Popove or Banne. You can embed it as a popover and choose among three icon style options: Cursor, Chat, or Help button. Customize trigger colors to match your webpage.